ReportCompetence Framework_DEF_19.06.2018

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2017-1-SK01-KA204-035385] 6.3. ANNEX 3 - INTERVIEW FOR CAREER GUIDANCE PROFESSIONALS This interview is part of a European Project funded by the European Commission named “QUALIFY”. This project aims to revolutionise professional guidance and explore coaching as a tool to support low-skilled unemployed people to reflect on blocks and obstacles to their decision making, identify patterns of behaviour form the past that may impact future choice and work as catalyst in helping them define their own way forward. Within this project, we are trying to identify needs in terms of career guidance as well as provide professionals in the field with the latest tools to support low-skilled unemployed adults. Your feedback and suggestions as career advisor and specialist is very important for us. Thank you for your cooperation. Name ……………………………… Gender Male Female Age ……………………………… Nationality ……………………………… Occupation ……………………………… You work as… Private Public Freelance Telephone: ……………………………… Email: ……………………………… Residence country: ……………………………… Answer the following questions: 1. How long have you been working in the field of career guidance/coaching? 2. Do you imagine using coaching as part of your practice? 3. What are the main challenges and difficulties that you have faced in your career as career guidance? 4. How do you overcome the challenges and difficulties you face? 5. What are your needs as a guidance professional (training, up-skilling, etc.)? What would make your career better? 6. Do you think career guidance and coaching is a developing field in your country? Why? Why not?