ReportCompetence Framework_DEF_19.06.2018

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2017-1-SK01-KA204-035385] Aspiration : Wanting to learn a new skill or you do not; having ambition and motivation or lacking them. When confronted with new learning, this is often our first roadblock: We focus on the negative and unconsciously reinforce our lack of aspiration. Shifting the focus from challenges to benefits is a good way to increase the aspiration to do initially. Self-awareness : People who evaluate themselves most accurately accept that their perspective is often biased or flawed and then strive for greater objectivity, which leaves them much more open to hearing and acting on others’ opinions. Curiosity : Curiosity is what makes us try something until we can do it, or think about something until we understand it. People can increase their willingness to tackle necessary tasks by thinking about how they could do the work differently to make it more interesting. In other words, they change their self-talk from “This is boring” to “I wonder if I could…?.” Vulnerability : When people are encouraged to expect mistakes and learn from them early in the process of acquiring new skills, the result is heightened interest, persistence, and better performance. 4.1.5 DIGITAL COMPETENCE It implies the domain of new information and communication technologies (ICTs). The advisor needs to know how to create documents, inform about them, be comfortable when using computers as well as the tools related to 2.0 websites. As part of our project we can demonstrate the capacity of using the Internet and e-mail; the platforms to upload fields, videos, save links and being able to manage the social networks that are being used more and more used by users and organisations. The advisor can adapt successfully to the new changes relating to digital competence and the 2.0 reality and this can be cascaded to clients and colleagues. 4.1.6 SIDE COMPETENCE Finally, an additional competence, the need of PROFESIONALISM . The advisor needs to be aware of the importance of their work as it affects directly the wellbeing of the people in need. In addition doing this role taking into account CREATIVITY and INNOVATION are key to success.