ReportCompetence Framework_DEF_19.06.2018

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2017-1-SK01-KA204-035385] 4.1.1. EMOTIONAL COMPETENCE  Self-control : keep one's emotions under control and avoid negative reactions to provocations or hostility from others, and in situations of high emotional content. For example, it is necessary in disruptive contexts or with more problematic clients to stay calm and have self-control.  Empathy : wanting to understand others. Ability to listen, correctly understand the thoughts, feelings or concerns of others even if they are not expressed verbally or are partially expressed. For example, in a personal interview or during the development of group dynamics.  Tolerance : maintain an action in spite of the obstacles and difficult situations that arise, even if this needs an additional effort. It involves avoiding negative thinking and demonstrating understanding and tolerance to failures. In the daily work of the counselor there are not always routines and it is necessary to adapt to the needs that arise as a result of a conflict or a client asking for help, for example.  Foster emotional intelligence : know how to develop emotional support activities with users. Know and apply effective emotional support techniques, both for individual situations and groups, in order to get a complete and quality care. 4.1.2. RELATIONAL COMPETENCE  User advice: desire of helping or serving others; of satisfying needs. Advising implies a helping and accompanying work in different training or community settings.  Relationship establishment: ability to establish connections with other people. It implies the capacity of listening, interpreting and understanding thoughts, feeling and worries, besides knowledge on diverse custom and social habits. It implies a fair treatment of clients, students, teachers, family, neighbours, community members etc.  Cordiality: establishing kind, mutual and warm relationships with the aim of setting up useful and reliable social networks.  Influence: ability to persuade and influence other people or situations to obtain a positive situation change by using coercive power. It implies being an “agent of change” and using motivation techniques adapted to clients and context. It simplifies change for planning, reduces effort and enhances strength as an individual.