ReportCompetence Framework_DEF_19.06.2018
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2017-1-SK01-KA204-035385] In the questions (3) and (5) whereas low-qualified adults are being consulted by a guidance professional or counsellor (now or in the past) about their employment opportunities, 4 out of 5 responded that they are not being consulted. Only one of them responded that she visits a guidance professional. She describes this procedure as crucial for her development both for professional and for personal development. She also adds that it is a very important step in order to grow and get better year by year. Also, another responder stated that she has visited a career counsellor twice during she was going to school but during the visit she also encourage to do a career test and proposed the jobs that matched their personality and not skills. Also, it was noted that one might visit a career professional if visits are promoted that are free and if they do really help people to achieve their main goal which is to find a job. In the question (4) “Do you think that a different approach from guidance professionals would help you in up-skilling” participants responded that they mainly do not have an opinion and they do not know. Since almost all of them have not visited a career professional in the past, they do not know how their approach is and it is difficult for them to express their opinion. A responder reported that it would be helpful if professionals could present to people who are seeking for a job, possible job positions that fit their qualifications and needs (e.g. list with jobs that do not require a university degree). Another participant answered that she sometimes has been consulted unofficially by her brother who is older. In question (6) suggestions were given in order to improve the career guidance professional. Overall, it was noted that the most important thing is for low-qualified adults to be guided from the start to the end to finally find a job. They would like to be advised on available job positions that match their qualifications and skills by career guidance professionals. That way, they will appreciate most this profession as it will be really useful for them. Additionally, the connection between employers and possible candidates (people who are seeking job) is very important. Adults reported that it will be really useful for them to have someone to make them the contact with employers who are seeking for people to be employed. Finally, it was also noted that personalised sessions would help. They need from career professionals to give personalised advises and guidance based on what they are looking for and based on their specific needs and qualities. Regarding question (7) it was reported that they appreciate true willingness to help, acceptance, promotion to employers, trust and sincerity. Also, they appreciate when professionals give them a realistic view of the labour market and of the opportunities they will have. Concerning question (8) the answer was similar in all questionnaires. Participants replied that the way is through discussions and relevant questions in order to understand what you are good at and what do you like and dislike. In the question number (9) the replies were the following: a platform/someone who can inform people on all available positions based on each individual’s qualities, connection between employers and candidates who are seeking for a job, to have connections with the labour market and possible employers. Also, another important aspect which was mentioned was to be able to realize possible opportunities based on one’s existing strengths and acquire skills and competences that better fit the personality, strengths and background of a person.
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