ReportCompetence Framework_DEF_19.06.2018

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2017-1-SK01-KA204-035385] As to question (4) most respondents said that it is important to be relaxed and to transmit tranquility and assertiveness to clients . To do this, they use several interview techniques but they´re willing to learn more. Almost all guidance professionals use relaxation techniques after work. Most respondents would welcome improving their communication skills with clients, learning other approaches and techniques to increase sensitiveness and assertively dealing with unmotivated clients. Another important issue highlighted during the interviews was the need to receive more knowledge, tools and learn from others in the field of self-employment strategies. In the question (6) “Do you think career guidance and coaching is a developing field in your country?” most said NO and the reasons to this answer lie in a) coaching is perceived as a practice delivered by “amateurs” and b) because to coach, in first place it is necessary to work on changing people´s mind-set. When asking question (7) “What are the main techniques that you use in your daily practice with low skilled adults and why” most replied that they use effectively and assertively communication (interview) and not using technical vocabulary when dealing with low skilled. All respondents said that there is a need to improve low qualified profiling/assessment methods/tools and promote activities, practices to increase unemployed people motivation. 3.1.2. CYPRUS The question (1) was the following: “ How long have you been working in the field of career guidance/ coaching?” replies varied from 1 to 15 years of experience. Two of the interviewee are professional career coaches who have daily contact with low qualified people and provide support to individuals, businesses and schools. They reported that they do group sessions as well as individual sessions. Regarding question (2) “Do you imagine using coaching as part of your practice?” all of the career coaches replied yes and most of them already do this in their daily practice. As far as regards question (3) “ What are the main challenges and difficulties that you face in your career?” the challenge that most of the responders mentioned was that sometimes adults are unwilling to get help and realize what their current situation is and what they might not doing well in their daily routine and might affect the results they would like to achieve. Also, low- qualified adults sometimes present to the coach a false image of themselves and that makes it even more difficult for a coach to understand and realize what the true situation is.