ReportCompetence Framework_DEF_19.06.2018

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2017-1-SK01-KA204-035385] The paper shows that low basic skills levels of adults are a complex policy problem that has neither straightforward causes nor straightforward solutions and successful interventions are relatively uncommon. Tackling serious literacy and numeracy weaknesses is challenging because the group of low-skilled adults is diverse and requires different, well-targeted interventions. But there is now an emerging body of evidence on the approaches to teaching and learning that can make life-changing differences to adults in need. The current career guidance programmes for low skilled adults: The main providers for guidance and counselling in Cyprus include the Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC), the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance (MLSI), and the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA). Also, the Cyprus Youth Board specializes in guidance for young people (aged 14- 35), while guidance services are also provided by the Trade Unions and Municipalities in Cyprus (Euroguidance, nd). Additionally, other non-public and private centres and organisations offer support, such as youth organizations, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, and Regional Career Counselling Centres operate either in collaboration with the CCES or provide basic information and advice services (Enoros Consultion Ltd, 2013 ∙ Sultana, 2017) Even though there is a wide range of adult education programs offered by a number of providers (public, private or voluntary), there is no comprehensive database nor surveys available for this sector (Gravani, nd). Regarding training and education opportunities for adults in Cyprus, these are offered mainly by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus, the University of Cyprus, the Open University Cyprus, the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, and the Cyprus University of Technology. Specifically, the Counselling and Career Education Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, offers academic and vocational guidance, as well as personal guidance taking into account individual’s interests, needs and skills in order to make appropriate decisions about their future education and career. The counsellors are placed in each secondary school and at the central offices of the MoEC. Also, the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus provide courses on foreign languages, cultural courses, health courses, practical implementation courses, courses for acqurining vocational skills, and other general courses. Also, the evening technical schools enable adults and young people who discontinued their normal attendance to complete their secondary education (Enoros Consulting Ltd, 2013). The Department of Labour of the MLSI, provides information about private and public education and training opportunities that exist in Cyprus and in the EEA in general, where the Human Resources Development Authority (HRDA) conducts and presents relevant studies and the available programs to parents and to secondary school students.Furthermore, the Cyprus Youth Board, informs and provides counselling facilities targeting the young population up to 35 years old.