ReportCompetence Framework_DEF_19.06.2018

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2017-1-SK01-KA204-035385] The OECD reports that: • In the UK, “innovative arrangements in co-operation with trade unions [...] seem well suited to targeting at least some of the needs of low-qualified workers in the work place.” (p. 9); • In the UK as in a few other countries, “legislation is extensively used as a tool to steer career guidance services” (p. 12); • “In the United Kingdom (England), all career guidance services that receive public funds have to meet national quality standards.” (p. 123). The UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) notices that in the UK “[the] hotels and catering sector has the highest relative and absolute skill gaps in low-skilled occupations, with some 63 per cent of staff suffering skills gaps.” (p.ii ). 2.3.4 SPAIN Spain is in its turning point. Its economy has begun to show moderate growth signs after a period of recession, unemployment has begun to decrease and the strength of its exportations has significantly reduced the current deficit in its accounts. The Government has introduced a great variety of political reforms for the improvement of labour market and education and training in order to improve the fiscal framework, deal with some long time pending education subjects and renew the business area (OCDE Economic Survey of Spain, 2014). However, it will be necessary to count on a new economic model in order to assure Spain’s prosperity in the long run. A high qualified, adaptable and flexible workforce will be crucial to catch new economic opportunities. Past tendencies provide a sight in how competence demand has evolved in Spain. Before the recession, every time at a higher pace since then, employment in Spain has been moved from areas as construction and the services area manufactures, from production to liberal professionals, and from employments which require low qualifications to others that now require medium or high qualifications. The adoption of certain measures in a continuous way will contribute to shaping future needs corresponding to the subject. The population aging, the technological change, the growing competitiveness at a global level and the fast expansion of the values global chain are influencing production and consumption models, with important implications regarding competence demand in the labour market. At the same time, Spanish citizens competences will take shape according to economy’s ability to respond and take advantage of these forces.