ReportCompetence Framework_DEF_19.06.2018

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2017-1-SK01-KA204-035385] 2.3.2. CYPRUS Adult basic skills development strategies in Cyprus are directly linked to adult education and training policies, and lifelong career development. In particular, they fall within the framework of the National Lifelong Learning Strategy for the period 2014-2020 and the Action Plan implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture as part of the promotion of the European Agenda for Adult Education for the years 2014-2015, co-funded by the European Commission and the Republic of Cyprus (Enoros Consulting, 2015). At the same time, policies and activities to be implemented in the framework of the following European policies - program initiatives are of a great importance: Europe 2020 Strategy, European Employment Strategy, Youth Employment Initiative, Strategic Framework "Education and Training 2020" , Rethinking Education, Cohesion Policy of the European Union, Erasmus + European Education Program , Training, youth and sport, the Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning, European Program "Horizon 2020", and "An EU Strategy for Youth - Investing and Empowering' (Enoros Consulting, 2015). Even if there is a wide range of adult education programs offered by a number of benefits (public, private or voluntary) there is no comprehensive database available for this area. Additionally, there is a lack of information, not only in terms of programs that are provided and participation rates, but also on the qualitative assessment of the programs offered (e.g., implementation of quality assurance and professionalisation procedures) (Enoros Consulting, 2015; Gravani, 2016). Furthermore, an absence of a systematic monitoring mechanism at national level for adult education in Cyprus, covering all sectors, from general adult education to continuing vocational training is observed (Gravani, n.d.). As in many European countries, as in Cyprus, although there is not an official framework for delineating and identifying basic adult skills, several training programs are offered (Enoros Consulting, 2015). In particular, programs are provided for the development or enhancement of skills and competences, which take into account current social conditions and the specialized needs of the target groups (Enoros Consulting, 2015). The history of career guidance and counselling in Cyprus is relatively recent and characterises from a strong effect by the UK, since most of the counsellors in Cyprus have received training in the UK and the USA (Sultana, 2017). Specifically, councelling and career guidance services started been provided in 1964 with the initial aim to support students in deciding the type of secondary school they wanted to attend and help them adapt easier to the school environment (Georgiades, 1967). The unit leading career and guidance services in Cyprus, the CCES of the Ministry of Education and Culture, for more than 20 years has operated under the umbrella of the Administration of the Secondary Education of the Cyprus MOEC. Their role is to provide counselling and career guidance support in all public Secondary and Technical and Vocational schools and support young people on their personal, social, educational and vocational development (MOEC, 2010).